Paul's Tutorials - logo2-4Resolving Merge Conflicts

When you start managing a large git project with multiple branches, you will start encountering merge conflicts. As such, it is a very important skill to have.

Key Ideas Behind Conflict Resolution

Firstly, if you encounter a merge conflict, don't panic. Really, when dealing with large git repositories, this result should be more or less expected.

When dealing with merge conflicts, the number one piece of advice is to know the code. Even if you didn't write it, you should know what every line in every file is intended to accomplish. If you know this, then resolving merge conflicts should come more or less naturally.

When you are dealing with a multi-branch repository, there are two things you need to keep in mind: how to minimize the number of merge conflicts, and how to approach resolving them when they arise.

Conflict Minimization

The first step in dealing with merge conflicts is trying to prevent them in the first place. There is really only one piece of advice that you need to take into account here: merge from master (or whatever branch you will ultimately be merging back into) into your branch often. Whenever you think that the source branch has advanced a decent amount, just quickly merge from it. You may encounter some small conflicts as part of this process, but resolving them now keeps you from having to resolve them later alongside all of the other conflicts that will arise later. Additionally, this process allows you to develop effectively with the main stream of development, rather than beside it.

Essentially, merging into your branch often will minimize the number of conflicts you have to deal with at one time and even prevent some from arising in the first place. Really, in any case, it is this forward thinking that keeps the whole project moving forward smoothly.

Resolution Tactics

However, there are some conflicts that simply can't be avoided. So, when you encounter these, you need to know how to address them. There are effectively two different cases you will encounter when resolving conflicts: addition and replacement.

For all of these examples, we shall assume that the last common commit contains a file with the following text content:

About the HOT Team


Resolution by Addition

The first case is addition. This happens when you want to keep all of the conflicting code.

To see exactly how this happens, let's look at an example. When you view merge conflicts visually, you look at both versions of the file side-by-side. Git will refer to your current version as mine, and the conflicting version as theirs.


About the HOT Team
The HOT Team is a member team in the FIRST Robotics Competition, FRC.



About the HOT Team
Every year, the HOT Team designs, builds, and programs a robot designed to accomplish FRC's design challenge.


As you can see, git doesn't really know what to do with the paragraphs in red text because they're completely different. From git's perspective, it has no way of telling which paragraph you want to keep, if you want to keep neither, or if you want to keep both. So, in this case, git will error out of the merge with a merge conflict.

In this particular case, both paragraphs are correct, so we want to keep them. The paragraph on the left is a better opener paragraph, so we want to use the paragraph from mine before theirs.

About the HOT Team
The HOT Team is a member team in the FIRST Robotics Competition, FRC.
Every year, the HOT Team designs, builds, and programs a robot designed to accomplish FRC's design challenge.


Resolution by Replacement

The next case is replacement. This happens when all of the code that you want to keep is on only one of the conflicting versions.


About the HOT Team
The HOT Team is a member team in the FIRST Robotics Competition, FRC.



About the HOT Team
The HOT Team is a golf team that uses flaming golf balls.


Here, git errors out of the merge due to the same reason as before: there are two paragraphs, and it doesn't know which one you want to keep. In this case, as cool as it sounds, their copy is very clearly erroneous. So, what you want to do is to use your copy in place of their copy.

About the HOT Team
The HOT Team is a member team in the FIRST Robotics Competition, FRC.


Methods of Conflict Resolution

When git fails a merge due to a conflict, it leaves the conflicting files in your working tree in a semi-merged state, detailing the conflict.

In order to resolve the conflict, you need to be able to go into these files and remove each of these conflict blocks. This can be done one of two ways: using a graphical merge tool or using a text editor.

Note: because git leaves text in the source files themselves, your code will not compile until you resolve the conflict!

Using a Merge Tool

This is probably the most intuitive way to resolve merge conflicts. However, different tools function differently, and it can be difficult to go from using one tool to another.

Here, we will explore two different merge tools: TortoiseGitMerge and the EGit mergetool.


TortoiseGit comes with a very powerful and intuitive merge tool. When your repository is left in a conflicting state, navigate to it in Windows Explorer, then right-click, open the TortoiseGit menu, and select Resolve.

This will open up a dialog listing all of the conflicting files in the repository. To open the merge tool, double-click on a file.

When you open the merge tool, you will see something like this:


The two text editors side-by-side are the two conflicting versions of the file, and the editor at the bottom shows you the result. Orange-colored lines indicate lines that git automatically determined to delete. Yellow lines indicate lines that git automatically determined to add to the resulting file.

Any red highlighting indicates a conflict. You can jump between conflicts by using the red arrows at the top.

If you notice, anywhere there is a conflict, TortoiseGitMerge fills the corresponding lines with ?s in the result. To fix this, right-click on the red text block (the black lines should enclose the entire text block, not just one line). This will present you with four options:

Depending on the situation, you will want to select one of these four options. For example, in the addition example above, you would select Use text block from mine before theirs. In the replacement example, you would select Use text block from mine.

Continue this process until all of the conflicts have been resolved in the file (the conflict arrows will grey out and there will be no more red text blocks in the bottom editor). When you save the file, tell TortoiseGit to mark the file as resolved when it asks.

If there are any more conflicting files, double-click on them in the Resolve dialog (which should still be open). Repeat this process for each file.

When you are done resolving all of the conflicts, close the Resolve dialog, and commit the result. Git should automatically fill in a commit message for you.

EGit Merge Tool

If you're using Eclipse, the EGit plugin came with a merge tool that you can use to resolve conflicts. However, it functions quite differently from TortoiseGitMerge.

When you merge, the last dialog in the process will tell you that your repository is left in a Conflicting state. This will further be shown next to the project root in the project explorer.

To find conflicting files, look for the red arrow icon. This will appear on not only conflicting files but also any folders that contain conflicting files (and folders that contain folders with conflicting files, and so on). When you find the conflicting file, right-click on the file, go to Team and select Merge tool.

This will open up the merge tool in another tab. You will be presented with two text editors. The one on the left represents mine, and the one on the right represents theirs. The red boxes along the side of the scrollbar on the right side allow you to jump between conflicts.

Here, as opposed to merging two files to achieve a result, you need to think that you're merging conflicting changes from theirs into mine.

Eclipse will connect all of changes between the two versions with a line. On changes that require your attention, you will see a little dot in the middle of the line. When you hover your mouse over this dot, it will turn into a small button with an arrow pointing at the local copy. If you click this button, it will copy the change from theirs into mine. This operation will overwrite any changes in mine that are indicated by the corresponding box on the left side. If you don't want to delete changes on your side but want to bring in changes from the left, just copy the whole conflicting text block manually (using Ctrl-C) and paste it where you want it.

If you want to completely ignore a conflict from theirs, then you actually will have to add an edit to the code block on the left, and then undo it (so Eclipse presents the save option to you).

Once you are satisfied with the file on the left, save the file (Ctrl+S). This will remove the conflict annotations from the file. However, the files are still left in a conflicting state. To fix this, go back to the file in the project explorer, open the Team menu, and select Add to index. This will change the icon on the file to an asterisk.

Repeat this process for all of the conflicting files. When you are done, the repostiory status message should read Merged instead of Conflicting. Commit the result. As with any merge, git will automatically fill in a merge message for you.

Other merge tools

Of course, these aren't the only merge tools available. Most merge tools function similarly to TortoiseGitMerge.

If you have any other merge tools, sometimes the git commandline program will recognize this and register the tool. If this is the case, you can run git mergetool on the commandline, and git will automatically fire up the merge tool for each conflicting file. If the file is binary, then git will ask you which file you want to keep.

It is also possible to tell git to resolve all merge conflicts using either theirs or mine. You can do this from the command line (and some GUI tools, this will be presented to you in the merge dialog), using the --mine and --theirs switches:

git merge --mine myBranch
git merge --theirs myBranch

It is important to note that, when you use this option, all conflicts will be resolved with the version you indicated, including ones that you may not have been anticipating. Use this option with caution.

Pure Text

Of course, these tools just provide a more visual way of approaching conflict resolution. It is also possible to resolve merge conflicts by editing the files directly.

However, this method does have its drawbacks: it is not as easy to tell which files are conflicting. To see which files need editing, run a git status.

If you want to resolve merge conflicts manually, just open up the file in any text editor. Scroll through the file until you see conflict annotations, which will look like this:

<<<<<<< HEAD
This is MINE
This is THEIRS
>>>>>>> merge-source

As you can see, your changes appear above the line of equals signs, while theirs appear below. The source of the merge is listed after the > signs at the end of the conflict.

To resolve here, simply edit the file to your liking. Cut/copy and paste code where it belongs, add code where necessary, and then delete the conflict annotations when you're done. Make sure to save the file.

When you're all done, make sure to git add the files. If you're using a GUI, see if there is an add option for the file (such as the Add to index option in EGit). Then, commit the result. Again, git will have auto-generated a commit message for you.

← 2-3 Branching 2-4 Resolving Merge Conflicts